Sunday, April 26, 2009

Let me start of by saying...I have no excuse. I have been so bad at being green lately. The world of convenience is just too tempting. About two weeks ago I bought Havanna's first jar of baby food. You can't imagine the guilt I felt. Yes yes I know...pathetic right? Why on earth should I feel guilty for buying baby food? I at least made the choice to spend a few cents more and get the organic kind instead of the chemically infested Gerber brand (I exaggerate). But I still felt guilty. I bought it because we were going to be gone for awhile and I didn't want to haul around a cooler for one serving of baby food. I just seriously hate not knowing what is going into her mouth! It scares me. People tell me at least every other week (which is by far too often) "our parents did..this or that..and we are alive". YES YES I KNOW! I am alive but I am seriously overweight and not as smart as I would like to be. lol maybe if I would have been fed more wholesome foods and not exposed to so many chemicals I would be a lot healthier and a genius. haha I what I am getting at is that I have reminded myself that there will be situations where I will have to buy jar baby food and that I shouldn't feel guilty but proud that after being on solids for almost two months I have only purchased one jar! I have made the following items: Sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, and applesauce.
As far as going green in daily household chores...I have been more careful to turn lights off when exiting rooms...I have tried to keep a hand towel in the kitchen to dry hands with instead of paper towels...and I have kept on top of having the cloth diapers all set up so Brian will use them. As far as everything else...I have been lazy. Maybe I will set two goals for this week...
1) Research homemade cleaning supplies to make on my own!
2) Come up with a weekly meal plan (cut down on waste).
I also really need to get my garden ready! I want to plant peas, green beans, and squash. We don't have the biggest yard, but I think it will be fun and rewarding to make Havanna food out of the garden!
So to make a long blog short...I am going to try and get back on the green bike and keep going. It will be a long journey, but maybe when I'm a pro I can become a green consultant!